In investing, there's an issue called "The Shiny Object Syndrome" and it's a real problem. It can be very tempting and alluring to explore some new form of investing and / or investment asset class even if it's a strategy or style drift for you and your investment approach.
It can be very tempting to explore these things - and even put capital to work on the play.
As you can see - there are many, many reasons why investors engage in style drift. I have personally faced any number of these "opportunities" in my career. The list of "new" investment opportunities I have reviewed are many. Among them:
But every single time, I have to pull myself back to my North Star.
It is simply NOT worth it.
I really think the point is cogent, powerful and important. Style drift is a serious problem. Investors need to focus, and stay focused on, the thing that they are good at and can deliver real value at.
The learnings you gain from time IN the business are dramatic. What you know as an investor with 1 year under your belt in the multifamily business pales in comparison to what you know after 10 years of doing deals and operating properties in the same space.
Investing is still a human driven business. What I mean is this - investors will entrust you with capital (especially in real estate) more than they might to a machine or an algorithm. The nature of real estate is that it's unlikely to move into a fully algorithmic trading strategy. And so human experience and operating prowess will still be very important.
I don't believe that any amount of reading or listening to podcasts can fully prepare an investor for the many intricacies of managing a property or running a business plan. There's a reason we value investors that have "been through multiple business cycles" more. They are (probably) less emotional, they've seen it before, they understand how to operate through it. They understand how to work banking relationships to the best results for their property and the investors. They understand the risks behind the risks because it's happened to them.
This deepening (ripening if you will) of experience simply cannot happen as quickly or as effectively if you are dipping and ducking and diving and investing in many different places.
And that's just the effect on your ability in your core competency.
What about the new investment class you've now entered?
If you had 5 years of experience as a multifamily operator and you get into industrial, there is some transference of skill. But you're still a novice at industrial.
So you are;
All of this is then a passionate argument in favor of staying the course and continuing to delve deeper and deeper into your chosen asset class. Even when it's boring. Even when it isn't working as well. Everything is cyclical, everything comes back, and ultimately your goal is mastery of your chosen field.
And mastery is where you can really reap a whirlwind of profit for yourself and your investors.